Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am again in another apron swap. I think it is so fun, you get to make something for someone you don't know and she will end up really happy. So cool! Well I finished it today. It turned out really cute. A Christmas cookie apron swap. You are suppose to send a cookie cutter your favorite cookie recipe-I am going to send my mothers Sugar Cookie recipe. It is by far the best sugar cookie recipe I have ever had, and once she tries it I think she will agree. I have only found one lady that made cookies like moms ever and it really made me smile when I bit into it. She brought Decorated Sugar Cookies into the Dr's office I worked for and I couldn't believe they tasted like moms. Well once I put the apron in the mail I will put the pictures up on my site. Maybe by Wends. or Thurs.
Everyone have a great thanksgiving and happy Fall!
Love Patty

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hot Mamas Apron swap

Well I sent off the Hot Mamas Apron and I am quite proud of it I think it turned out really well. Yaah I know it has been a while. I have been a little distracted with Halloween, Becky's 17th birthday, and my new job it is just a bit different from anything I have ever done and I am confused so often. I have to solute all call center operators, my friends that sit around me say I sound like I am so calm I guess it is like when you are up against a teenage boy or girl you show no fear no matter what....
So here is the apron I sent to my partner.....
I also sent different coffees a coffee mug cozy I knitted with a jack-o-lantern on one side and boo on the other and some trick or treat candy.
I hope she liked it - I really enjoyed making it for her....